Flight Log Syncing via DroneDeploy

How to link your DroneDeploy account to FlyFreely to enable flight log syncing


You will require a Drone Deploy Enterprise account in order to sync your flights to FlyFreely.

Create a DroneDeploy flight log collection source in FlyFreely

  1. Navigate into the Flight Logs screen
  2. Navigate into the Settings screen
  3. Click the Setup DroneDeploy button
  4. Then make a note of your DroneDeploy sync key

Add the FlyFreely app in DroneDeploy

  1. In DroneDeploy, open the side menu and click on Apps
  2. Search for FlyFreely
  3. Install the app into your organisation

Enter your FlyFreely API Key into the DroneDeploy FlyFreely app

  1. Go into a project, and expand the FlyFreely app
  2. Enter your sync key from FlyFreely, then press Save

Sync all your flight logs

  1. Go into a project, and expand the FlyFreely app
  2. Click Sync All to sync all flight logs across all projects
  3. When complete the system will report how many new files were uploaded