How to add Equipment

This article explains how to add equipment into FlyFreely

This article will cover:

What is equipment?

Add new equipment (individually)

Adding equipment via Bulk Upload

What is an equipment?

In FlyFreely, equipment refers to any mission-related items that don't fall under the 'RPA' or 'battery' categories. Examples can include:

  • Remote Control units
  • Ground stations
  • UHF / VHF Radios

Add new equipment

1. Click [+]  on the Equipment panel on the Manage dashboard

2. Select the equipment Category. For devices or items that don't fit under any existing category, select 'Other'. 

3. Select Equipment Make and Equipment Model. If the make and model are not listed, select 'Not Listed' and enter the make and model.

4. Enter a name for this equipment. This is an internal designation for your reference and should be unique within your organisation.

5. Enter the Serial Number.

6. Enter the Current Firmware Version (optional ). If you don't have this information please leave blank.

7. Enter NFC ID (optional ). If you don't have this information please leave blank.

8. Select 'Real Equipment' or 'Dummy Equipment'.

Note: The 'Dummy' feature is used for testing and practicing with the software. Missions completed with dummy equipment will NOT be logged against the organisation or the Remote Pilot.

9. Click 'Create' if finished, or 'Add Another' to add another equipment and follow Steps 2 - 9. Alternatively if you wish to add multiple equipment in one go, you can add equipment via bulk upload.

Adding equipment via Bulk Upload

(Back to top)

1.  Click [+]  under Equipment on the Manage dashboard

2. Click 'Bulk Upload'

3. Click 'download a template', this will download a csv template for you to complete and upload.

You can populate this file manually or by copy/pasting from another spreadsheet etc - as long as the columns remain the same.

4. Once your csv file is ready to upload, click 'Select File' to select your file and click 'Open'. This will display the file selected. Check the details in the upload screen.

If highlighted (red or yellow) there is an issue with the data, you can click on the warning icon to review the issue. To edit: click on the data, make the change then click the 'tick' icon to complete the change.

5. Once you are ready to import, you have the option to select all rows or individual rows to import as indicated by the arrows, then click 'Import'.


The bulk import is complete. Please refresh your page to see the changes.