Shared Resources (Enterprise)

FlyFreely allows for the sharing of authorities, equipment and licenses across organisations

Customers with operations spanning multiple sites, jurisdictions or companies may be set up across multiple organisations in FlyFreely. In this case there will usually be one 'parent' organisation and one or more 'child' orgs below it. FlyFreely allows  various 'resources' to be shared between these organisations and managed centrally from the parent organisation.

This article will cover the following:

What can be shared?

How to share and manage shared resources

Understanding shared:

What can be shared?

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  • Software Licences - A company has x total licenses, and can distribute them among the child orgs as required due to personnel changes, team expansion etc.
  • Authorities - A ReOC authority (for example) can be shared so that documentation and workflows can be centrally managed and changes 'pushed' out to the child orgs, ensuring consistent operations across teams or business units.
  • RPA - An RPA on loan between sites or sent to a site for a specific operation, or for overall visibility and management of the fleet from a central location (parent org).
  • Equipment - Controllers, radios etc for the same reasons as with sharing RPA
  • Battery Sets - for the same reasons as RPA and equipment

How to share and manage shared resources

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To be able to set up sharing resources, all parent child orgs need to be on an enterprise plan. Please contact Sales to enquire.

To share resources between orgs, the user needs to have the 'organisation admin' role for the relevant orgs.

For example: There are 3 companies:

  • Company A (Parent)
  • Company B (Child 1)
  • Company C (Child 2)

User A is an org admin for Company A + B

User B is an org admin for Company A + B + C

This means:

User A can only share and manage resources between Company A and B

User B can share and manage resources between all 3 companies.


To set up the parent/child link:

  1. Under Organisation Admin click on Shared Resources.
  2. Under Add Child Organisation select the child org from the dropdown menu and click Add. The child org will now appear.
To share specific resources follow the steps:
    1. Shared Licences - the number of licences available to share is displayed here. Enter the number of licences and click Share. 
    2. Shared Authorities - select from the dropdown menu and click Share
    3. Shared RPA - select from the dropdown menu and click Share
    4. Shared Equipment - select from the dropdown menu and click Share
    5. Shared Battery Sets - select from the dropdown menu and click Share

If you would like to remove this link, click on the bin icon next to the child org name. 

To edit the number of licences, click on the pencil icon.

To remove a specific resource, click on the bin icon next to the resource.

Understanding how the shared resources operate

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Once licence/s are shared down from parent to child organisations, they become available for use within the child organisation in the normal way. An administrator in the parent organisation can move licenses around between their child organisations or revoke them as required.


Where an authority is shared and attached to a workflow within the child organisation, the following details will be visible to administrators of the parent organisation:

  • Personnel and RPA's added to the relevant authority registers
  • All missions flown under this authority by the child organisation/s
  • Any person or resource included on a mission using the relevant authority

Any changes made to the authority (for example, document updates, changes to the authority workflow or registers) will automatically update anywhere the authority is used. In this way the parent organisation can ensure that pilots in the child organisation are always using the most up to date procedures.

RPAs, Equipment and Battery Sets

When these items are shared between organisations, planners in the child organisation can add them to missions exactly as normal.

Maintenance functions are controlled by the parent organisation (as this organisation owns the equipment) and it is subject to any workflows or maintenance schedules applied to it by the parent.