How to add a remotely piloted aircraft (RPA)

Add and manage RPAs on your account

Before you can start flying missions through the FlyFreely platform, you'll need to have one or more RPAs in the system. 

This article will cover the following:

Add a New RPA

Bulk upload RPA

View and Edit an RPA

Add a New RPA

To start, make sure you are in the Manage dashboard and the RPA widget is toggled to visible.

1. To add an RPA, click the plus button (+) on the RPA (Remote Piloted Aircraft) widget.

2. This brings up the Add RPA dialogue. Fill in as much detail as you can (for tips on locating your RPA's serial number, see CASA: How to find your serial number).

The RPA Name/Designation can be anything that helps you identify the craft. Select the RPA Model from the RPA Type dropdown list. Most of the commonly used craft are already in the list. If you can't see your model of RPA here - please contact us and we'll create it for you. Choosing a craft from the list makes a variety of documents available in the app, including manufacturer's specifications and manuals.

Click the Create button to add the RPA to the list. Your newly added RPA will now appear in the RPA list.

Bulk Upload RPA

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If you need to add a larger number of RPAs at the same time (eg for new account set ups), you can bulk import these using a .CSV file.

1. From the Add RPA screen, click the Bulk Upload button

2. Click 'download a template', this will download a blank .csv template.

3. Complete the csv file. You can populate this file manually or by copy/pasting from another spreadsheet etc - as long as the columns remain the same.

4. Once you've finished updating the CSV, click Select File to select your file and click Open. This will display the file selected. Check the details in the upload screen.

If highlighted (red or yellow) there is an issue with the data, you can click on the warning icon to review the issue. To edit: click on the data, make the change then click the 'tick' icon to complete the change.

5. Once you are ready to import, you have the option to select all rows or individual rows to import as indicated by the arrows, then click Import

The bulk import is complete. Please refresh your page to see the changes.

View and Edit an RPA

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You can view and edit the RPA details by selecting it in the RPA widget list. This opens a View/Edit RPA dialogue.

The View/Edit RPA dialogue also shows a number of tabs.

  • Details: This tab displays basic details relating to the RPA.
  • Flight History: This tab displays the flight history (for missions planned on the FlyFreely platform). It also displays the total flight time logged for this RPA including historical flight times entered in the details tab.
  • Maintenance History: This tab displays details of any maintenance actions taken on the RPA and the maintenance schedule this RPA belongs to.
  • Associated Resources: This tab allows you to group battery sets and other equipment with the RPA. See Associated Resources for more details on how this works.
  • Authorities and Registrations: Here you can view any required registration/s for the individual RPAS.
  • Registers: This tab displays the status of this RPA on any RPA registers
  • Manuals: This is where you can find the official documentation for your RPA type, including user guides and maintenance manuals.
  • Specifications: This tab displays the specifications for this RPA including Performance Information such as max operational wind speed and max take off weight.

To edit the details of the RPA, click the Edit button.

You can download reports for the RPA by clicking on the Reports button - this will download a technical log of your RPA in PDF format.

You can also manage your RPA by clicking on the Manage button.

To close this dialogue, click the Close [x] button.