How to add authorities

Adding various types of authorities to your organization or personnel

Authorities are usually documents which confer a certain permission or ability on the holder. Operator's certificates, Remote pilot licences and RPA registrations are all examples of  authorities.

Authorities can relate to companies/organisations (eg Operator certificate) or individuals (eg Pilot license). This article will cover:

Primary / Secondary Authorities

Organisational Authorities (org admin)

Personal Authorities (individuals)

Compliance Declarations

Primary / Secondary Authorities

At the organisation level, authorities can be either primary or secondary.

Primary authorities are always issued by the relevant authority for your jurisdiction (eg CAA or similar) and form the basis of your operations. Examples of this authority type are:

  • Remote Operators Certificate (Australia)
  • Part 102 Certificate (New Zealand)

Secondary authorities are usually those that are dependent on a primary authority for their validity, and generally extend the capabilities of that authority. For example in Australia, only ReOC holders can get approval to operate under EVLOS conditions. The EVLOS approval is dependent on the ReOC, and is therefore a secondary authority.

Other examples of secondary authorities:

  • Night operations approvals
  • Location-specific authorisations (eg in the vicinity of an aerodrome)
  • Operations over people or similar special operations

Add Organisational Authorities

To access the Organisation Admin menu, you must have the corresponding user role.

1. From the FlyFreely dashboard, select Organisation Admin from the top menu.

pop out box highlighting the organisation admin button under user profile button from the main menu

2. Select Authorities from the left-hand menu. 

organisation admin window highlighting where to find the authorities tab on the left panel

Note: If your organisation operates across multiple jurisdictions, make sure you have the correct one selected, as this determines which authorities are available. 

jurisdiction options to select

3. This window lists the available authorities, based on your jurisdiction (note that these are only the authorities that can apply at an organisational level. Personal authorities will be covered later).

4. To add an additional authority (for example, an approval for night operations), simply click the relevant button and fill in the requested information. Where relevant, you will also be able to upload documentary evidence for the authority (for example, a copy of the instrument which grants your night operation privileges).

dropdown menu showing authorities in the list that can be added

Once saved, the new authority will show up in the list.

Underneath the authority name, there are several buttons (these will differ depending on the authority type). In this instance, the following buttons are displayed:

  • Edit - This allows you to change the date/s, reference number and other information relating to the authority (for example, to change an incorrect entry).
  • Print Schedule 1 - This allows you to print out a summary of this authority including the RPA, Remote Pilot, and Nominated Personnel associated with this authority and a timestamp of the printout.
  • Nominated Personnel - Here you can add nominated personnel for specific roles to the authority including Chief RP, MC, CEO, Chief Flight Instructor, Senior RP, and Watcher. This allows you to control who in the org can perform certain tasks based on the role nominated, when a specific workflow is selected (not mandatory - based on your operational and organisation preference).
  • Authority Workflow - Certain authorities can have specific workflows associated with them. For example, when operating under a night approval, your mission workflow might include steps to check RPA onboard lights, ensure a sufficiently lit landing area etc). For more information, see Configuring Workflows
  • Remote Pilot Register - Some authorities will have an associated pilot register. In this example, you might use the register to keep track of pilots who've had the relevant training for night operations.
  • RPA Register- Similar to the Remote Pilot Register, the RPA Register allows you to track which RPAs can be used under the authority. For example - RPAs that can be fitted with lights, or are compatible with other night regulations.
  • Archive -  Removes the authority from the list. This will also delete any register/s associated with the authority.

Personal Authorities (For Individuals)

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These are authority documents which grant permissions to an individual. The most obvious example is the Remote Pilots License or equivalent certificate, but personal authorities can also include internal licenses, inductions and any other documents you want to record against an individual.

1. To upload a personal authority, log into FlyFreely and select Profile from the menu in the top right of the dashboard. 

pop out box highlighting the profile button under user profile button from the main menu

2. Click Authorities and select the relevant jurisdiction to see the available authorities.

your profile window highlighting the authorities tab on the left panel and an arrow pointing to the jurisdictions selection

3. Click the Add button below the authority you wish to upload. Depending on the details of that particular document, you'll be prompted to enter start/finish dates, reference number etc. Click Save to save your document.

Note: If you can't find the authority type you're looking for (for example, an industry-specific license), please contact us at and we'll be happy to add it for you.

Compliance Declarations

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Compliance declarations are managed electronically through the Office App. This feature allows Remote Pilots to read and acknowledge documents. These acknowledgements are timestamped and recorded by FlyFreely.

Examples of relevant documents are:

  • Operations manual
  • Procedures library
  • Company induction or policy documents

Configure a Document to Require Acknowledgement (Admin)

1. Click EDIT from within the relevant authority.

2. Upload your document, or use the pencil icon to manage an existing document

3. Check 'Requires Acknowledgement' then click SAVE.

RPA operators certificate (company) details window highlighting where to look if a document requires acknowledgement, arrows showing where to upload a new document, and where to manage documents

Completing a Document Acknowledgement (Remote Pilot)

When a new document is uploaded which requires acknowledgement (or a new version of such a document), all personnel listed on the associated remote pilot register will receive a notification (in accordance with their personal notification preferences).

Acknowledgements are conducted via the Document Libraries panel within the Manage dashboard (you can click on Libraries on the left-hand Nav bar to take you directly there).

main page highlighting the manage button at the top of the page and the libraries navigation button on the left hand panel

The dropdown menu shown below helps you to navigate between the various document libraries in your organisation.

Documents with available acknowledgements will have a blue Acknowledge button next to them.

document libraries widget highlighting the dropdown menu to select various document libraries and arrows pointing out the acknowledge button to acknowledge the user has read and understood the document

1. Click on the document name to download and read it, then click Acknowledge. The following pop-up will appear

pop-up box prompting the user to acknowledge compliance

2. Click OK confirm

3. Repeat the same process for any additional documents